Accessing Doument Contract in bonita Script

I want to access document contract which i have created on step named “Step Upload” in example version 7.1.5-1.0.1 at link but its not working i am only trying to access contract using following code:

import org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.contract.FileInputValue
import org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.document.Document
import org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.document.DocumentValue

// If we receive a new document value we use it
if(myDocumentContract != null) {
return myDocumentContract

When i am trying to submit form its not working by giving error “Error submitting form”. Sorry if i have asked something stupid, but i am new to bonita.


I actually updated the example recently. Please get the new version. The implementation is more efficient.


import java.util.logging.Logger;

void debug(Logger logger,String Texto)
 debug( logger,Texto, true);

void debug(Logger logger,String Texto, boolean isdebug)
   if (isdebug)
 logger.warning("Interfaz Lote Pago Interno: "+Texto);

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.digicel.PP");

debug(logger, "Archivo " + archivoLote.getContentFileName());

byte[] contenido
String sId;
sId=archivoLote.url.substring(archivoLote.url.indexOf("contentStorageId=") + 17);
debug(logger, "contentStorageId=" + sId);

debug(logger, "Despues de asignar contenido.  Tamaño: "  + contenido.size().toString());
String lineasArc = new String(contenido);
debug(logger, "lineasArchivo: "  + lineasArc);
java.util.List lineas;
String[] detallePago;

lineas = lineasArc.split("\\r?\\n");
debug(logger, "despues del split ");
for (lineaPago in lineas) {
    detallePago = lineaPago.tokenize("|");
    debug(logger, "BAN: "  + detallePago[0] + " Nombre Cliente: " + detallePago[1] + " Monto: " + detallePago[2]);

return lineas