Actor filters computation


I’m currently trying to set-up my own actor filter but I would like more informations about it.

When does the engine compute the actor filter ? Does it compute when the workflow arrives at the task ? or Does it compute it at GetPendingTasks ?

Here is an example :

I set an actor filter on a task which correspond to all users with name equals to “Robert”.

I execute my workflow and arrive to the task. This task is visible for all user with name “Robert”.

I don’t want to do the task now and create another user with name equals to “Robert”.

Does this new user can see the pending task ?

Ok , I found the anwser. The “computation” is done when the task is “hitted”.

So if you add (or modify) an user who correspond to the actor filter, he’ll not be taken into account by the engine.

I think it’ll be the same if you don’t use actor filter. So if you delete all the users which could do the task and add new users, the task becomes a zombie. Am I right ?

Is this a normal behaviour for you ? I understand it’s hard to implements on Bonita side but … organisations are supposed to be modified without impacting the workflow.


According to the jira support here , this is a normal behaviour. Anyway, the API has a method which allows you to compute actors filter giving processInstanceId.