All aboard the Bonita Express! Stop #8: We're checking tickets...

It's time to take out our train tickets! Alejandro Rondón, our ticket inspector, is here for some security check! During this session we will discover the advantages of using SSO (single-sign on) and how to integrate it to Bonita Enterprise edition. 

yesQuestions Answered During this Session

  • What are the benefits of using SSO?
  • How does SSO work with Bonita?
  • What is the relationship between and Identity Provider (IDP) and a Service Provider (SP) such as Bonita?
  • How can I verify which users have access to Bonita?
  • Which are the limitations of a traditional user/password authentication?
  • How can I disable the standard authentication system to use my own?
  • Which files and parameters do I need to modify to configure SSO on Bonita?
  • Is it possible to configure these parameters directly on Bonita Studio?
  • How can I create new users dynamically (with a simple login)?
  • Which protocols are supported by Bonita?
  • Which protocols are supported to create new users using SSO?
  • How can I configure which user values to map on user creation?
  • How can I configure the endpoints of my SSO server on Bonita?
  • What would you recommend to start using an Identity Provider (IDP)?
  • Why is this feature available only on Enterprise Edition?
  • How can groups be used outside of the process itself?
  • How to inherit groups from an Identity Provider (IDP)?
  • How can I grant access through the configuration file to users on a group?
  • Is it possible to easily migrate a Bonita application from Community Edition to Enterprise Edition and vice versa?

enlightenedUseful links shown during this session

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