In the log file for my application shows that an exception is thrown whenever a form is submitted and the target url is an application page. Id of the item to retrieve is missing in url http://localhost:8080/bonita/APIToolkit/living/application-menu
The exception does not prevent the application from working, but it is annoying. Is there any way to get rid of this exception, or is it an artifact that I have to live with as long as I am using the community edition.
This is a known issue and, I believe will be fixed in a later issue of the software. For now though, it’s something you have to live with unfortunately.
It’s to do with the async nature of the various calls, and once satisfied it gets cleared.
PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.
Dear Sean,
In which release will this exception be fixed?
Thank you
I have no idea, that’s for Bonitasoft to answer. And like all software companies they don’t tell what is being made available when and in what version