@josiah, pleasure to help someone who has a real recognition of the issues…
BPM though is a funny beast - the BPM standard says BPM processes should be clearly defined to work properly.
The sending of an email is clearly defined, and not an issue - but sending an email to a variable number of people and expecting a variable number of returns (at the gateway) before continuing breaks this clear definition rule.
Yes it is a common business process but what people find is it is easier to redesign the process rather than implement a process that’s already in place. And isn’t that the point of doing a BPM (re-)engineering exercise? To make things simpler…
We had six RFP streams with anywhere between 5 and 15 sign-offs including the Board of Directors. and because they were also value based we ended up with something like 1,300 different rules on where, what, when and how…ridiculous.
So we redesigned the whole process, with management, and in the end implemented a simple sequential model with stricter management controls on building the early stages (RFP, ROI model etc.). It took a while and management guts but we cut the 1,300 different rule down to 7 (I think). We gave people responsibility and accountability and the process worked, there were always exceptions but these were handled by exception rules we built in to the process.
One thing to remember and maybe you can discuss this with management when discussing the redesign of the process is:
There can be many people RESPONSIBLE for delivering a piece (or pieces) of work, but there can only be one that is ACCOUNTABLE for delivering the work, and it is the person that is Accountable that should be one the chain… search for RACI if you’ve not come across the term and use this to build your process.
That being said I’m using semaphore on a project I’m working on, but it is a different kind of project…
you could use a UUID we just use the process name along with the case number…much easier to read when needing to look things up 
Regarding your comment:
Unfortunately, I think this would require a fairly detailed understanding of the bonita engine to get it to work
Not true, it’s only the process you need to think about, not the engine, it will take care of itself. And thinking about it this would make a great How-To…a weekends work.
And as for Java - I only knew it was a language when I started Bonitasoft, still only use 5% of the language and don’t need more than a basic skill of understanding of how to program.