Assign Task to groups


i got problem when i tried to assign task to group … i did show the groups in the dropdown list and i can choose the group but when i login to the users in the group i can not find the task…and i did create actor filter in the next task (single user) type …

this is my script

import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.*;

List group = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI().getGroups(0, 20, GroupCriterion.LABEL_ASC);

Map<String,Long> combo = new HashMap<String,Long>();

for(Group g:group)

return combo

what is the wrong here ?


Can you please indicate which version of BonitaBPM are you using?
Also, if possible, can you share your process file?

  • Note that in version 6, a task is associated with one “actor” (either directly or by inheritance of actor define at lane level).
  • Actor is then mapped to the “organization”. Organization contains the actual users organized in groups and roles. Mapping between an actor and organization can be done in process configuration within the Studio (or after deployment, in the Portal, for Subscription edition of Bonita). If new people are added to the group they can (after logout and login) see the groups pending tasks.
  • Additionally to actors you can optionally use “filters”. Filter is a piece of code that is run when a task become available. It will produces a list of users id (can be any users id, doesn’t need to be a subset of users mapped to actor). All those users will be able to perform the task. Note that such list is only produce once when task is ready (you can trigger a refresh using API). If you create your own filter, you can use the actor id to actually create of set of users that is a subset of users mapped to the actor.