Auto Refresh Task List

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to auto-refresh the task list? I would possibly want the portal after submitting the task - to refresh the task list automatically.



To speak about your use case in details, we can say that the auto refresh is technically done. The default user task list is refreshed after your task submission.

But engine side, tasks are performed asynchronously to be able to provide the best performances.

Because a task can be close to instantaneous, or can maybe take 10min depending of the job it is suppose to execute.

More of this, a common pattern is: "the next task is not suppose to be for you" 

We also choose not to refresh the list automatically to avoid user actions to be perturbed.

But there is still custom submit button that exist in the community to help in some use cases:

Could you explain your use case with more precision, to see what could be the best solution for you?





Did you find the solution please ?


for this question, we can speak about three different cases.

- Modify the portal default Admin task list:
This one is build using GWT, and it is not possible to edit it.

- Modify the portal default User task list:
This one is build using AngularJS, and packaged as a custom page, so you could eventually modify it.
You will need to go to the portal "Admin > resources list", then download the page "Task List".
Then you will need to edit the javascript of the page, and then create a custom user profile to use this page. 

- Modify the Admin task list, build using UI-Designer, and available in the latest version of bonita:
In the latest version of bonita, you have an already build in user and admin application, fully build using UI-Designer.
So it is easy to edit any page you want.

hope this helps,



Thanks for your reply! yes, I am more interested in the following case:

- Modify the portal default User task list:

I've seen it, and thought maybe someone here has dealt with this before. I know other BPM's have an automatic task refresh.

Hi, yes I am aware of that. I am looking for the task list to refresh automatically and every now and then so users won't have to manually press on the refresh task list button found on top of the task list. I am not looking for the "assign task to myself" functionality. Just wondering if there is a way to refresh the list automatically instead of manually. Let me know if you still have questions. thanks!