bdm API, updated records


I am trying to retrieve, through bdm API, only the updated records from an specific table since an specific date-time/timestamp.

The problem is that I do not have implemented my business data model having in mind this kind of use (there is no attribute storing the last update date-time), hence I do not see the way to get only those updated rows and I would like to avoid this kind of bdm refactor.

My question is if there is a way to do it without querying this kind of attribute. That is without the need of adding a date-time/timestamp to the object that would store the insert/updated time of the record, and query based on that. Is this kind of information stored somewhere and accessible through the bdm API?

Any help is appreciated,

Thank you.


No I'm sorry, additional BDM information contains only the persistenceID and the persistenceVersion. So, you must add a new attribute to track that.

You can add this attribute "datemodification", and then a trigger to populate it automatically : attention then when you update your BDM, Hibernate may be not very happy with this trigger and can remove it.
