BDM custom query JPQL use operator IN

I try to create custom query with IN operator and get error.
For example. I have an query:

Select e
From equipment e
Where in :params

I added parameter with name params and type java.lang.String

When i try to call this query with next code in process script:
equipmentDAO.eq([‘1’, ‘2’], 0, 100)

I get error:

wrapped by org.bonitasoft.engine.expression.exception.SExpressionEvaluationException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.xsense.model.server.EquipmentDAOImpl.eq() is applicable for argument types: (ArrayList, Integer, Integer) values: [[1, 2], 0, 100]

Possible solutions: eq([Ljava.lang.String;, int, int), any(), grep(), wait(), every(), dump()

How to properly call this query with list of values?

Hi @oiaremenko!

Since it is expecting specifically a type java.lang.String[] you should be more explicit.
Try it this way:

def myList = ['1', '2'] as String[]
equipmentDAO.eq(myList, 0, 100)

Hope this helps.