Dear community,
This was a busy week for us: 3 videos, 1 written tutorial, some news from the US and our first winner of a BonitaSoft mug! and on the forum: ~140 posts and some interesting discussions.
The videos were inspired from the community forum discussions:
- How to get the latest tweet about a subject with Bonita Open Solution, the written tutorial here
- How to call a subprocess with Bonita Open Solution
- How to populate a “select” widget from a database with Bonita Open Solution
Thanks, guys. Keep them coming.
Miguel returned from the US with some good news about collaboration with BonitaSoft.
First winner of the BonitaSoft mug is esdaniel for his ideas about twitter, google adwords mashups. We’re giving our great mugs for your good ideas on the forum. You wanna a mug? My advice: participate.
Contact rlg via the open source business process management community.
Development highlights
0000535 IOException with IC and applications server 0000888 Query optimization 0000838 Choose template level 1 0000940 Export and import jars that contains connectors as connectors in repository 0000898 allow the customization of the 'case description' field in case list + links? 0000863 tab widget 0000950 Keep a track of the process run in a session and provide the possibility to clean the history 0000869 java class repository 0000861 Refactor repository 0000932 Make generated code and files compliant with java good practices 0000843 Add validator 0000915 Identity management module 0000865 Import from Bonita4 0000876 Add notes 0000852 Improve the messages in progress bars 0000839 Validation of diagram 0000937 Grouped resources selection does not work 0000882 Connector without descriptor 0000840 Don't provide the "save configuration" when there is no parameters 0000854 Provide a mechanism to backup the user data at studio startup 0000846 Dynamic instantiation of sub-process 0000835 Improve Connector wizard on empty page (only save) 0000837 In Connector Wizard : in addition of variables, suggest the default vaule in the drop down list 0000891 sub-process managementLive from R&D

Even more a good news, the R&D team also implemented timer events. I really appreciate this feature, because with the last release of Bonita (aka v4) it was very difficult to do a simple wait action.
What other useful suggestions do you have to improve Bonita?
Welcome to the open source BPM community
We are pleased to welcome:turutosiya, Stu-Icon, pcabane, Dana Kao, afuraIndizen, mamcg33, jbuenfil, daoneil, Arroub, guilllet, meet.pokar, Mayureshwar, motiprajapati, yparriat, Jormigo, jason, heba, ostino, ibrahimabdullah12, spaulino, clubist1986, markota, rg2020, ewha310192, Christophe-Marie, dinis, marciobonita, carlyra
Not yet a Bonita community member? Join us.
They're tweeting about us
rodrigue, miguelvaldes, bonitasoft, Scratsh, esdaniel, gsempe, pcoffre, Tedesign, FOSSwiki, charoy, copy_free, allaboutbpm, duchowney, infoinspire, bunny_car, jplaisneOur hash tags : #bos5 = Bonita Open Solution 5 , #bonitasoft , #bpm = business process management, #workflow , #opensource = Open Source, #oss = Open Source Software, #ow2
Are you tweeting about Business Process Management and/or Bonita? Let us know by using #bos5.
Help us improve Behind the Scenes with Bonita
This is our 8th edition of Behind the Scenes with Bonita. What would you like to see in the next edition?Give us your ideas by commenting to this post. The best suggestion gets a mug.
And remember: keep warm with Bonita in the middle of winter. (What else?)