Behind the Scenes with BonitaSoft - 20-26 Feb 2012

Looks like BOS 6.0 will be a whole new beast.

Like the blind men describing the elephant, we’re not yet seeing the whole creature, but parts of it are pretty interesting!

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Seen from the front

Though most of Bonita Studio seems totally familiar, there are some new BPMN2-compliant changes (in gateway behavior, for example). And it’s easier to configure the transfer of data between processes using message events.



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Seen from the side

One bit of great good news is that actor selection and assignment is simplified, clearer – and is in line with the new Organization (user, groups, and roles) that you will define as part of the process definition and design. That organization, perhaps only conceptual at the process design phase, can be easily modified after process deployment – and, using the new Parameters defined on each process deployment — be uniquely defined for multiple different deployments.

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Seen from *ahem* behind

Bonita User Experience (previously known colloquially as the inbox) has gotten a full-body makeover. Look for separate customizable “web consoles” for the Process Administrator, Process Owner, Team Manager, and End User to see and interact with tasks, cases, and processes.




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Also seen

The expression editor is undergoing a bit of a reconstruction too. More languages supported beside Groovy, more functions you can use the editor to define, and more places where you can use it to configure what needs configurin’.


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Seen from inside

Not much to see here yet, but the BOS 6.0 engine has been entirely revamped from the ground up.



Stay tuned…