Bonita All - Splash Screen on Login...

Hi there,

I need as part of our login process a splash screen of “News”, “Regulatory Updates” etc.

How do we add a Splash process to the login process?

I think this should be able to be done without reprogramming the whole login by customers, for example I think it would be good if the login called a default (dummy) process which could be replaced by the user community…

For example:

do login,
verify credentials
Call “Login-Process-which-User-can-replace”
continue with normal processing…

Many thanks and best regards

Hi Sean, is this on login to the Portal?
If you are using the Subscription edition (Efficiency or Performance) this is easy to do with a custom page and custom profile. Create your custom page and make it the default page for users with the custom profile, so they see it when they log in.
