Bonita API to assign a task

Hi all folks

i would like to know how using the Bonita API to assign a task of  a process instance  from one user to another.

Example: Process A has three consecutive tasks Task1 , Task2 and Task3. User admin started the process and it executed Task1 and Task2. Now with the Bonita API Rest in a java client it's necesasry to asign the Task2 of that case ( process instance ) to the user John.

Is it possible ?  I could not found the correct Bonita API method.

Thank You



To assign task with the REST API :


Best regards,



Here you have a method to assign task through API REST in 5.10:

And you can a find a good post about how to use some REST methods from Python. If you want, you can adapt it to another language: What programming language are you using?




Did you tried this method:, long)?

Thank you Yhon

I forgot to mention that i am using BOS Community 5.10.1 versión.


Do you know if there is a similar method for this version ?

Best regards



Thank you Celine

Is it possible with BOS Community 5.10.1 ?


No, there isn't REST API in 5.10.1.

Hi Yhon

Thak you for your answer,

It has been very useful for me.

I am  using java as a programming lenguage 
