Bonita BPM Production

I’ve downloaded two versions of Bonita BPM Production, one for Windows with tomcat and the other for Linux with tomcat but it seems that both are the same (the same volume).
It works for Windows, but not for Linux. As a matter of fact there is no executable file for Linux.
What is the problem? Where is the Linux version of Bonita BPM Production with tomcat?
Thank you in advance


I don’t think you’ve downloaded the right thing. At All!

There is no Windows and Linux version of Production just Tomcat, JBoss or no JEE server.

When you go to the download page, you have to click the PRODUCTION tab. This will then show you the applicable downloads.

have a read of the documentation here:

to see how to etc.

The start command for Linux can be found by searching the documentation…it’s much quicker than posting on a forum that might not be answered until Monday…


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved.