
DigitalForms is based on a modeldriven App-Generation-Framework, that will accelerate the creation of form apps in combination with the workflow engine of BonitaSoft.

DigitalForms is based on a model driven App-Generation-Framework, that will accelerate the creation of native form apps in combination with the bonita workflow engine. You can now fill out your checklists and forms effectively anywhere and as native form app - offline processing is no longer an issue. Almost any kind of native forms, checklists etc. can be generated. The generation and distribution of the native forms are controlled by the Bonita BPMN-Engine. The forms are designed in a separate form designer and reused in your designed bonita workflow. Each co-worker can get his checklist or form that he is supposed to fill out and no one else.

Your Benefits

  • Runs offline, no internet connection required
  • Collect data anywhere
  • Centralized data management
  • Process monitoring
  • Secure data transmission
  • Centralized data conflict management
  • Workflow integration
  • Extendable to your needs
  • Integration with any 3rd-party system
  • High availability of your data
  • Share and dispatch data between co-workers
  • Very short response time to changes

Project Home

[Tutorial]: Integration DigitalForms with BonitaSoft · OpenSoftwareSolutions/bonita-connector-digitalforms Wiki · GitHub
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