Bonita Open Solution 5.1.1 is released. This maintenance release fixes bugs reported in the community forums. You can see the changelog here. Thanks for your help.
- 0001206: [studio-repository] Keep the path of the last resource
- 0001247: [console-appli] History of attachments is not available in terminated steps
- 0001216: [studio-tools] Use value of enumeration when choosing a litteral value in Groovy Editor
- 0001238: [console-appli] Mixed text+groovy expressions values in forms data fields are not interpreted
- 0001208: [studio-datas] Exception when moving a Conncetor from a Message event to elsewhere
- 0001351: [runtime-connectors] H2 connector doesn’t work in studio due to miising default value and null value management
- 0001352: [studio-forms] initial value of duration and password form field not working
- 0001373: [studio-import-export] Import Bonita 4 processes to BOS Studio 5.1
- 0001318: [studio-forms] NPE when editing a widget name and remove the line/column in which it is
- 0001320: [studio-tools] The GroovyEditor closes prematurely
- 0001317: [console-appli] NPE when setting a list containing null items as the initial value of a form field
- 0001316: [console-worklist] When deleting a case in the admin case list, the pagination is not updated
- 0001315: [console-worklist] Terminated cases aren’t taken into account in the cases list pagination
- 0001310: [console-appli] Clicking next button does not disable it and can lead to undesired behavior
- 0001302: [studio-import-export] replace first char of ids by a letter when importing from bpmn/xpdl files
- 0001296: [studio-modeling] Cool bar buttons not working on gtk >= 2.18 (Ubuntu 9.10)
- 0001374: [studio-import-export] dom4j is missing from the webapp libs when exporting the apllications
- 0001375: [studio-actors] Filters are not exported to process-def.xml
- 0001406: [studio-validation] no error markers when 2 elements have the same name in different lanes
- 0001405: [studio-import-export] Missing error message at export for bad process
- 0001402: [console-administration] Rename label doesn’t close th epo-up and the menu is not refreshed
- 0001400: [studio-forms] Issue when 2 widgets have the same id in the same pageflow
- 0001399: [console-worklist] Successive deletes in the admin case list do not work
- 0001396: [studio-connectors] In sub-process call activity: onFinish connectors seems to be executed before output data mapping
- 0001391: [studio-import-export] Set relevant pool size for bonita XPDL import
- 0001384: [integration] Installers default target path should be C:
- 0001380: [studio-modeling] Lost of the name widget databinding after changing the diagram name
- 0001377: [studio-connectors] Problem with Java connector
- 0001376: [studio-integration] Execution Time shhould not b set if < 1S
- 0001295: [studio-modeling] Message don’t work if they have a label with an illegal id character
- 0001293: [runtime-core] QueryDefinitionAPI.getAllLightProcessesExcept(Set) does not return the right result in case of empty set
- 0001269: [runtime-connectors] Connector: WebService-Client doesn’t work on jBoss 5
- 0001267: [runtime-connectors] Connector Test issue
- 0001260: [studio-modeling] A Sequence Flow targeting a task itself diseappear from diagram if the task type is changed
- 0001259: [console-appli] Loop on subProcess, sometimes the application flow tells that there is no more actions
- 0001248: [runtime-core] Parallel task cancelled with a specific pattern
- 0001237: [studio-integration] Memory leaks
- 0001289: [runtime-apis] It is impossible to call repairAPI().startExecution more than once for the same Activity
- 0001215: [studio-integration] Impossible to Deploy a process with an older version of a process already deployed
- 0001214: [studio-tools] Resolving variable issue when import statement are used in Groovy Editor
- 0001213: [studio-modeling] The hide of label on Transition is handle correctly
- 0001270: [runtime-connectors] IllegalAccessError with a twitter connector in EJB3 mode
- 0001273: [studio-connectors] NPE when in database result of test connector
- 0001292: [studio-datas] Cannot add items that start with a number to a list type
- 0001286: [console-appli] Custom page templates do not work if not containing a page label element
- 0001285: [runtime-apis] The method stopExecution of the repairAPI does not seem to cancel activity executions after error
- 0001284: [runtime-apis] The method copyProcessInstance of the repairAPI does not copy the instance initiator
- 0001282: [studio-integration] Bonita UserXP language preference ignored
- 0001212: [studio-connectors] Update connector replaces label by id
- 0001281: [studio-repository] Dependencies not included in the bar file
- 0001278: [studio-connectors] SQL DB connector map output window has no scrollbar when editing the connector
- 0001277: [studio-connectors] Default value of widgets not set in generated connector wizard
- 0001276: [runtime-connectors] Bug when message of the Email Conenctor is null
- 0001275: [studio-forms] Cannot access all variables inside “Create New Form Wisard”
And Remember, Have fun with Bonita.