Bonita Open Solution 5.1.1 has been released

Bonita Open Solution 5.1.1 is released. This maintenance release fixes bugs reported in the community forums. You can see the changelog here. Thanks for your help.

- 0001206: [studio-repository] Keep the path of the last resource

  • 0001247: [console-appli] History of attachments is not available in terminated steps
  • 0001216: [studio-tools] Use value of enumeration when choosing a litteral value in Groovy Editor
  • 0001238: [console-appli] Mixed text+groovy expressions values in forms data fields are not interpreted
  • 0001208: [studio-datas] Exception when moving a Conncetor from a Message event to elsewhere

- 0001351: [runtime-connectors] H2 connector doesn’t work in studio due to miising default value and null value management

  • 0001352: [studio-forms] initial value of duration and password form field not working
  • 0001373: [studio-import-export] Import Bonita 4 processes to BOS Studio 5.1
  • 0001318: [studio-forms] NPE when editing a widget name and remove the line/column in which it is
  • 0001320: [studio-tools] The GroovyEditor closes prematurely
  • 0001317: [console-appli] NPE when setting a list containing null items as the initial value of a form field
  • 0001316: [console-worklist] When deleting a case in the admin case list, the pagination is not updated
  • 0001315: [console-worklist] Terminated cases aren’t taken into account in the cases list pagination
  • 0001310: [console-appli] Clicking next button does not disable it and can lead to undesired behavior
  • 0001302: [studio-import-export] replace first char of ids by a letter when importing from bpmn/xpdl files
  • 0001296: [studio-modeling] Cool bar buttons not working on gtk >= 2.18 (Ubuntu 9.10)
  • 0001374: [studio-import-export] dom4j is missing from the webapp libs when exporting the apllications
  • 0001375: [studio-actors] Filters are not exported to process-def.xml
  • 0001406: [studio-validation] no error markers when 2 elements have the same name in different lanes
  • 0001405: [studio-import-export] Missing error message at export for bad process
  • 0001402: [console-administration] Rename label doesn’t close th epo-up and the menu is not refreshed
  • 0001400: [studio-forms] Issue when 2 widgets have the same id in the same pageflow
  • 0001399: [console-worklist] Successive deletes in the admin case list do not work
  • 0001396: [studio-connectors] In sub-process call activity: onFinish connectors seems to be executed before output data mapping
  • 0001391: [studio-import-export] Set relevant pool size for bonita XPDL import
  • 0001384: [integration] Installers default target path should be C:
  • 0001380: [studio-modeling] Lost of the name widget databinding after changing the diagram name
  • 0001377: [studio-connectors] Problem with Java connector
  • 0001376: [studio-integration] Execution Time shhould not b set if < 1S
  • 0001295: [studio-modeling] Message don’t work if they have a label with an illegal id character
  • 0001293: [runtime-core] QueryDefinitionAPI.getAllLightProcessesExcept(Set) does not return the right result in case of empty set
  • 0001269: [runtime-connectors] Connector: WebService-Client doesn’t work on jBoss 5
  • 0001267: [runtime-connectors] Connector Test issue
  • 0001260: [studio-modeling] A Sequence Flow targeting a task itself diseappear from diagram if the task type is changed
  • 0001259: [console-appli] Loop on subProcess, sometimes the application flow tells that there is no more actions
  • 0001248: [runtime-core] Parallel task cancelled with a specific pattern
  • 0001237: [studio-integration] Memory leaks
  • 0001289: [runtime-apis] It is impossible to call repairAPI().startExecution more than once for the same Activity
  • 0001215: [studio-integration] Impossible to Deploy a process with an older version of a process already deployed
  • 0001214: [studio-tools] Resolving variable issue when import statement are used in Groovy Editor
  • 0001213: [studio-modeling] The hide of label on Transition is handle correctly
  • 0001270: [runtime-connectors] IllegalAccessError with a twitter connector in EJB3 mode
  • 0001273: [studio-connectors] NPE when in database result of test connector
  • 0001292: [studio-datas] Cannot add items that start with a number to a list type
  • 0001286: [console-appli] Custom page templates do not work if not containing a page label element
  • 0001285: [runtime-apis] The method stopExecution of the repairAPI does not seem to cancel activity executions after error
  • 0001284: [runtime-apis] The method copyProcessInstance of the repairAPI does not copy the instance initiator
  • 0001282: [studio-integration] Bonita UserXP language preference ignored
  • 0001212: [studio-connectors] Update connector replaces label by id
  • 0001281: [studio-repository] Dependencies not included in the bar file
  • 0001278: [studio-connectors] SQL DB connector map output window has no scrollbar when editing the connector
  • 0001277: [studio-connectors] Default value of widgets not set in generated connector wizard
  • 0001276: [runtime-connectors] Bug when message of the Email Conenctor is null
  • 0001275: [studio-forms] Cannot access all variables inside “Create New Form Wisard”

And Remember, Have fun with Bonita.