Bonita Studio 6.c - Form design, How to DISABLE a widget , not Hide it...

Hi there,

I know how to hide a widget using conditions, but how do we keep a widget visible but disabled? For example a Submit Button…

I know the forms are not built using standard HTML etc…that would be too easy…

Many thanks and best regards


you need to use the Read-only option:


Hi Aurelien,

As per my example above this does not work with Submit buttom…there is no read only capability.

Why do I want to do this? Based on the underlying capabilities (parameters of a workflow) I want to Enable a Submit button or Disable it, though I still want it shown to the user…

In every other application design methodology I have seen control capabilities as follows

Visible, Enabled
Visible, Disabled

In Bonita we can only do 1 and 3, but I require 2 also…

Many thanks and best regards