Bonita Studio 7.1 Community Edition - switch from H2 to Oracle


we downloaded the BonitaBPMCommunity 7.1 and before starting the application for the first time we applied all the configuration needed to switch from H2 to Oracle ( ).

We noticed that the Bonita Studio is not working correctly however the portal is working fine ( From the portal we can create organization, upload .bar process and start tasks ). We started tomcat from command line (cmd startup.bat) and then all the tables was created under Oracle schema and the portal was available to be used (install/install default user).

The studio is still linked to H2 database because when try to publish an organization we got the below error :
Cannot find a Listener with classname org.bonitasoft.tomcat.H2Listener. Plus we cannot start the web server or open the portal from the studio.

Please could you advise if something is missing in our configuration knowing that all the needed steps has been performed?
Is it a limitation in the community version?

Thank you.

First of all, it is not recommended to change Studio embedded Tomcat database.
Recommended solution is to setup a separated test server.

Anyway it should be technical possible.
As you still get some log about h2 listener, check the server.xml configuration file located in BonitaBPMCommunity-7.1.0/workspace/tomcat/conf/folder and make sure that the line about listener is commented (see documentation).

Thank you for the reply,
The H2Listener is commented from the server.xml but the studio is still using it when we try to publish the organization.

Can you share your bonita home configuration folder and also data source (Tomcat and Bitornix) configuration?

Did you set db.vendorproperty in engine-server/conf/platform/bonita-platform-community-custom.propertiesconfiguration file? Setting this in setenvfile will not work for Studio.

I’m also getting the same issue with bonitasoft 7.1.2 Community and Mysql. All the configurations are made according to the documentation. Neither the portal nor the studio are working :

  • The studio is always mapped to H2, especially for the publication of the organization
  • The portal is not working (Tomcat is generating an error )
    Node not started. Method 'org.bonitasoft.engine.api.LoginAPI.login' cannot be called until node has been started (PlatformAPI.startNode()). Exact class: org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.LoginAPIImpl


I really recommend to avoid any modification of database used by the Studio: keep the default h2 database.

If you need a test platform that use another type of database, try to use the Tomcat or JBoss bundle that are easy to setup with appropriate documentation.

Hi guys
did anyone manage to publish an organization after changing over from H2 database to a production database in version 7.1 if so how can i go about it i have the same error the engine is still trying to access the h2 database