Bonita Web Forms advanced


I am newbie with Bonita BPM so maybe I am missing something.


I am trying to build a form that contains a filter area (Customer Search). Once you search with the filter area then load a table with the results (Customer results).


So once a row is selected I would like to do a database query and persist the data in a Java Object. Then show additional fields with the data of the java object (Customer details).


I am doing all this in a form, I added a widget to do the database query once the row is selected and with a groovy script set the fields into the object, but the fields are not updated. Looks like the scope of the setters is just visible for the widget. (I have a process Java Object, so the fields still displaying the initial values).


Also I tried to return the object in a widget and reference this variable in the other inputs but then I am having an error when return all the object from a widget as: Type 'org.xxxxx.Customer' was not included in the set of types which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.: instance = org.xxxxx.Customer@222ea24b


I would like to mention that the object implements Serializable.


It is possible to do that in bonita? I don't know if I should split the form in steps forms. But looks like should be just one form and once click "CreateNew", "Update", etc. then go to another step.


Any idea?