I am using BonitaBPMSubscription-6.3.3-Tomcat-6.0.37. I want to deploy the .BOS (.bar in Bonita 5.8) file which is I have exported from Bonita Studio 6.3. I have started the tomcat in port 8080 with default H2 DB.
I tried **http://localhost:8080/bonita/console/login.jsp?redirectUrl=%2Fbonita%2Fconsole%2Fhomepage%3Fui%3Dadmin%23Processes ** which I have used for Bonita 5.8.
But I am getting an error 500 org.bonitasoft.engine.platform.NodeNotStartedException.
Could you please tell me which would be the URL to access the admin console / portal (userXP). Or am I missing anything here.