BonitaSoft 7.1.3 Datepicker off by one day

Hi everybody Im using the latest version of bonita (7.1.3) the date returned by the datepicker of the UI Designer is off by one day is this some kind of bug in the version? because Ive used the version 7.0.0 and 7.1.0 and didnt have that problem before.

This is a bug that was fixed in release 7.1.4 now available for download,


PS: if this answers your question, please mark it as resolved.

Hi community!!!

I have the same problem in BonitaSoft 7.1.3 and newers versions…

I need help!!!


Sorry, i say 7.3.1 (Ups!)

And the newer versions that i have this error or problem with datepicker are:



In datepicker i choose 09/22/2016; and obtain
Wed Sep 21 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Hora estándar, América Central)

Didn´t notice there was a newer version thnx

I have the same problem and I am using 7.5 version. I add a javascript to increment the day in one unit, but i dont refresh on the database

Can you open an issue on the Bonita bug tracker? And if possible attached a process .bos file with detailed steps to reproduce the issue. Thanks.

ok, thanks

@agomez_18 ???

You’re using 7.1.3 and it’s fixed in 7.1.4 - You need to upgrade to the next level for it to work.

You say this is happening in newer versions? What versions? 7.2.x, 7.3.x?

As far as everyone else sees it, it’s fixed can you provide any evidence?


I suggest you add your comments to, and start watching, the following bug report…

It’s all about the Datepicker and how it works for exactly this problem
