BPM 7.10 Tomcat bundle installation on Centos 7 with Mysql: /bonita not found

Hello everyone,


I have installed Bonita BPM 7.10 using the tomcat bundle on Centos7.6 and I used MariaDb, and everything went smoothly with no errors, however when I access localhost:8080/bonita I get an error stating /bonita wasn't found on the server on the other hand, localhost:8080 displays the Apache Tomcat 8.5.47 welcome page successfully.

I am perplexed as to where the problem is.

This is my first time posting to a community, please let me know if I should add/modify something in my post.

EDIT: I also installed three web sites on an Apache server on the same server, which use different port numbers than Tomcat.


Can you have a look at the bonita.log and catalina.log files? If a deployment issue arises at Bonita startup, the Bonita war is generally not deployed by Tomcat and then you get a http 404 when trying to access localhost:8080/bonita. In that case, errors are written in the logs

Be aware that running Bonita with MariaDB is not tested nor supported, this may work but it could be the cause of your Bonita startup issue. Let's see with the content of the log files.


About your post, it is clear and provides all important info as a starting point (Bonita version, OS and database vendor- do not hesitate to put the db version next time) which usually lacks in forum questions.

So everything is ok to me wink


I have checked the log files under /opt/Bonita/server/logs and I found them to be empty, I also checked Mariadb and Mysql versions and I found that the readlines version was inferior to the one in the software requirements and after trying H2 database I was able to connect to Bonita (Testing h2 is something I should have done in the very beginning), so I installed and used PostgreSQL and now it works just fine. I just assumed that if the bundle connected successfully with Mariadb that there was not errors.


Thank you for your timely and concise response.


good news then.


About the empty logs, this is strange. I suggest you to have a look at it because this is sometimes the only way to understand error causes so this can save you a large amount of time. Did you see empty logs after switching to Postgres?

The log configuration is by default controlled by the <BONITA_INSTALL_DIR>/server/conf/logging.properties file

The log emptiness may come from wrong tunings in this file

