Brand-new Bonita Documentation

2021 is the year of change. After having started this year with a new version Bonita 2021.1, with a name evocative of this renewal, the Bonita Documentation has a new look!

Not only a new look - it has been totally revamped with many practical and cool features.

Here's an overview of the new features and improvements.

Brand-new structure

Let’s have a quick overview of our new Bonita Documentation and you'll notice its structure as been improved:

  • Each component is directly available from the top menu bar.

  • For each section, a secondary table of content is now available on the right side of the scree, in addition to the primary table of content (on the left side of the screen), to make it easier navigate in the page.

  • A nice look and feel, with cards and videos embedded in the home page and other documentation sections, makes it easier to start with Bonita.

Bonita Documentation sources are still available on GitHub but have been upgraded from Markdown to AsciiDoc to offer a concise but also rich and flexible lightweight markup language.

Powerful search

Algolia’s powerful search API will change your search experience. Just start typing whatever you want to search, and you will see results appearing immediately. Nothing easier!

We particularly want to thank Algolia’s team who gave us the opportunity to use their product in ou Bonita Documentation.

Refer to the documentation wherever you want

What if you are not at your desk and want to find information in our documentation? Bonita Documentation is available via mobile and tablet as well. Browse Bonita Documentation from wherever you are.

Want to save specific sections so you can re-read them later? Now you can bookmark pages and anchors.


More to come in a next article to those who want to contribute to our documentation… stay tuned!