Bug ? Error "this task cannot be executed from here."


I have a problem with actors when I get to a step of the process: the user is getting the task assignment, but when he clicks on the task to perform the action he gets "This task cannot be executed from here." and the form is not loaded

The workaround is to put the user in the group associated to initiator actors of the process, at that point the form is correctly loaded.

Below you can find the actors association :

- When user belong just to Sales Actor he get the task assignment but cannot perform action ( form not loaded see 1st picture )

- If I add to Richiedente , Actors containing Initiator , everythings works.

It seems that to be able to act on the process you should always be included in the Initiator list, make this sense ?




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You will have to comment out one Dynamic Authorization Checking rule on the production server by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to /opt/bonita/BonitaCommunity-2021.1/setup or your installation path and run ./setup.sh pull
  2. Then open the file ./platform_conf/current/tenants/1/tenant_portal/dynamic-permissions-checks-custom.properties
  3. Comment out the line #GET|bpm/process=[profile|Administrator, check|org.bonitasoft.permissions.ProcessPermissionRule]
  4. Then run ./setup.sh push
  5. Finally restart the Bonita server.

Reference to Documentations.

  1. REST API authorizations | Bonita Documentation (bonitasoft.com)
  2. Platform configuration setup tool | Bonita Documentation (bonitasoft.com)


Royston DaCosta

The other workaround is to put the user in the administrator profile, but obviously is not a solution 

@romainbioteau I'm stucked can you help ?