Bundle necessary for server

I would like to know if all the bundles (tomcat, wildfly, deploy) are required and have to be install, in order to set up a Bonita BPM Server.
Looking at the documentation to set up a server but, unless I missed it, they don’t say if all the bundles are required.

Futur application of the server : (If they require bundle then tell me)
This server will lately be used by other people
I will use LDAP for the authentification
I will have 3 users groupe, user, manager, admin
I will use report and save the stats in a DB

Are all bundles required ? (if not all, which one ?)


Not all the bundles are required. You can choose the one that fits your environment, some people are more familiar with Tomcat, others with WildFly. It really depends on your constraints, preferences and environment.

If you don’t have a preference, I would recommend Tomcat as I feel it’s easier to configure.
