Is there anyway to see the business data?
Also is there a way to send business data to another application that’s not bonitasoft?
Stage 1: For BonitaSoft Studio 7 see the documentation here: Getting Started
This will give you the grounding.
For your specific design you have to think of three things.
Acquiring the basic information
Where you’re going to store it - because it has to be stored
The reporting mechanism - is this online offline, in BonitaSoft, outside BonitaSoft etc.
is a very basic get the data form, use the info in the getting started tutorial to get the data and save it to a database via a connector
This is your database, you have to design you table, and get your application to insert the data to the table from the form
You could then link any reporting tool, direct to the database to show your report based on your queries. Excel, Jasper, Crystal, you could even create a simple process to show all the graphs via a Bonita Form…
Hope that helps,
Hi jveleztorres,
you can get/see Business Data via provided REST Apis in json format:
- via queries defined in studio
- via a process instance reference
- via internal persistence ID given by links provided by above methods
more information in Bonita BPM documentation:
Sure, but what do you mean by “See”. It should be stored in your database so will be available to all applications.
Sure, but what do you mean by “Send”. By File? By Message? By email? By REST?
Everything is possible you just have to be clear about what you’re asking…
I’m trying to make an application that obtain basic information from a user in Bonita and i want to send that information to an external reporting application that lets me create reports by demographics, How would i go upon saving business data from the form and sending to the external application?