can we add url inside a dynamically generated Table (TableWidget), which redirects to process a new task?


can we add url inside a dynamically generated Table (TableWidget), which redirects to process a new task?
Bonita version 7.0.1

data1 | data2 | data3 | link

data4 | data5 | data6 | link

Thank you,

You should add the fourth column as data to your data :slight_smile: but format it as a link…

for example

[ { col1: "data1", col2: "data2", col3: "data3", col4: "Visit our HTML tutorial " } { col1: "data1", col2: "data2", col3: "data3", col4: "Visit our HTML tutorial " } ]

This is the way we do it…


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved.

Can you please explain this in detail? I have a similar requirement. I designed the page that has this table. Then I created a dummy JSON variable with the data as shown below. I see the data in the table when I preview but I want one of the column data to be links so that I can direct to another page in the application or to a specific task form in a case. It is showing me the whole a href tag instead of a link.

“NoOfProducts”:“<a href="\“>10</a>”,
“NoOfProducts”:“<a href="\”>15 “,
“NoOfProducts”:“<a href="\”>100 “,

No, is the simple answer…

I thought we could…here is the official answer from Bonitasoft to the bug I raised…

Hi Sean,
Unfortunately our table widget does not support the dynamic injection of HTML.
This is a known limitation: it only supports text.
We need to update our documentation to be clear about this but we will not process this as a bug (it is a feature request).
Just to let you know, if you wish to inject dynamic HTML content in a table via a custom widget, you would need to take care to use AngularJS Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE).
Sorry about the bad news,

So the way to do this is to use a custom widget taking care of SCE…whatever that means :slight_smile:

I someone does it can they upload a version to the Projects forum so everyone can do it…


PS: While this reply doesn’t really answer the question, it is now considered resolved. can you please mark as resolved

this not work

I’ve created a bug as it used to work…

If you want to watch it too.
