Cannot login into Bonita (docker instance) with the users defined on the organization

I'm testing some things out using the getting-started app provided by Bonita (the one that covers a customer claim process). When deploying locally using Bonita Studio, everything works just fine. However, when following the instructions on the documentation regarding how to build and deploy an application using Docker, I encounter an error that prevents me from login with any of the users of the default organization (e.g. walter.bates). Whenever I try to login with the same credentials that work on the local dev environment, I get this error: "Login failed. No profile has been set up for this user. Contact your administrator."

However, when I use the credentials install / install, I can access the Bonita Super Administrator Application, and there I can see all of the users of the organization without a problem. Thus, this does not seem like a problem regarding the organization data not being correctly registered.

Why could this be happening?


With the community edition, you must first make the profile mapping to your organization using the Admin app.
In your dev env, the Studio does this mapping for you.

In Enterprise edition, profiles and their mapping are automatically installed.


Thanks for the info! I'll try that and tell you what happens.