Can't search by name filter in human task (bpm REST API)

In bpm REST API (BonitaBPMCommunity-6.5.0-Tomcat-7.0.55)

I can’t search by name filter in human task

name=: retrieve only the human tasks with the specified name.

For example, retrieve the human tasks with the name “Analyse Case”:

http://host:8080/bonita/API/bpm/humanTask?p=0&c=10&f=name=Analyse Case

Anyone can help me plz.

At the minimum you have to URL encode your name…

name=Analyse Case should be


See the first answer here…

How the rest of it works is out of my area of expertise…


in my case filter in ‘name’ attribute is not active
when i use
name=Analyse Case or
name=Analyse%20Case or search by name
name = xx
result the are same (it return all human task)
if filter active it should return empty json when data not found


you are getting the names back at least.

I think search filter doesn’t work in Community, I remember reading somewhere this is a Subscription feature.

You may have to loop through the return and find the one you want…