Is it possible to change the bonita home folder location after installation, and after having processes already deployed?
I don’t want to “break” already deployed processes, if they store path to some files contains into bonita home
Thanks for your answer and sorry for my bad english
The most information about the executing processes is in the Bonita database, so, you can change this directory with the copy and paste functions of the OS, you can try this simple but the best practice is first build a test environment (of all your servers) and do the changes there, only when you have success on your Bonita home directory migration on the test server, try it in the production server.
I hope it helps,
Thanks a lot for your response.
I asked it because recently, I change my Bonita from one server to another (see a question I asked about that http://community.bonitasoft.com/questions-and-answers/export-and-import-all-data-one-server-other#node-26181 ) and since , everything works well except an error message (but non blocking) after each task validation : “nable to get error template…” and I was thinking it’s because of the Bonita home folder which is not at the same location than on the previous server but it’s seems to not be the cause of my problem…
Thanks again for your response