Change the User in one task of Multiinstantiation form


I have a question about I want change one of user task assigned by Iteration User list (initial list preconfigured) into the task Form.

By example:

  • I have a List Users A, B and C.
  • In the Iteration process of multiinstantiation human task, now I have 3 tasks: to A, to B and to C.
  • The user B decide that their task should be assign to user D.

Is there any way to get it?

I’ve tried to assign a PUT option into Button into the UI Form, with URL …/API/bpm/humanTask/{{taskId}} and the follow Json object content {“assigned_id”: “new_D_UserId”}, but the Server responds by 500 Forbidden.

Any help will be welcome.

First of all you have to unassign the task and after to assign to other user.

Make a process variable with the list of the users.
On the Iteration of the human task check the Parallel multi-instantiation:
-Check Create instance from a list
-For the Input choose the process variable(list of users)
-Iteration : the name of the process variable
-type :Boolean
-Early completion condition:(you can make a new variable to change when the task is done to trigger the early Completion Condition )


I have created a button widget that make two http call api, first unassign and when succes response, assign to another user. Finally, modify a case variable with caseVariable Api that include the userId old by new.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards.


Thanks for your details but my question is another.

I’m using a Multiinstantiation form (not paralel) and the problem is when one of user assigned decided assign to another user your human task.

The problem is this task should be to change the user, and leave a pending task for new user with another rest of users
