Hello there, am using Bonitasoft 7.5.2 version and i have issue with my gateways. The end result always gives me 1 output result i.e as an email connector output (Default transition). I have use examples like vacation request but same results.Kindly help.
What kind of transitions are you setting for each of the paths? Comparisons? Scripts? It sounds like none of the other transitions are evaluating to true hence the use of the default path.
I am using comparison condition on one transition and the other one is a default. Am i supposed to write some scripts on the comparison?
A comparison expression uses logical operators on variables, parameters, or constants to determine whether the transition is taken (this is taken straight from the Bonitasoft documentation). You’ll need to provide the comparison in the form of a simple script to return a boolean. Would you mind posting the comparison script here?
comparison script, yesApproval==true where the yesApproval is a process variable and the other transition is set to default.
Looks good. Make sure yesApproval gets populated at some point in a contract.