Connector ReleaseTask not working. Please help!!

I need to release a task after the user decline for doing in two tasks (Task preview and Task register) what converges into a Service Task with this connector.
The “if” only is a filter who decline one of those tasks
userTaskId and userTaskId is the taskAssigneeId from “ProvidedVariables” each operation each Human task from diagram.

//Connector code
import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.ProcessAPI;

ProcessAPI processApi = apiAccessor.releaseUserTask();

else if(tsk2_confBoolean==false){
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.APIAccessorImpl.releaseUserTask() is applicable for argument types:

Thank you, im a newbie in bonita and programming. But im trying hard to fix the problem… thanks before hand

Regrats, Peter Grant.

you use releaseUserTask this way:

releaseUserTask(long userTaskId)

you don’t have the userTaskId


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.

I thought that userTaskId was “taskAssigneeId” from “Provided Variables”… well, the userTaskId its a Library variable or comes from a method? Its only acessible in task boundary? i need to instance him for a Service Task use him? I searched the Process Instance and ProcessRuntimeAPI and how to get userTaskId and i can’t find…
Pedro Grant.
PS: Thanks for remember me this Reply System from this forum.

what i need is a simple “Task Shelve” of a Library, when a user, after seeing what about inside, decides if wanna do it or not in two distincts momments, when he look the task content and the registration data input.

I found it… LightTaskInstance.getTaskUser. but returns a user, not some ID