Hello guys,
I´m a novice on bonita and I´m asking for your help.
I need to create a process that contains an application that shows the substatus from the processes that are running.
Is that possible? I saw a lot of information related with this but I didn´t found clear information (step by step) for a novice like me.
Thanks in advance!
look at the cookbook API, and you will find a lot of example.
This one is the one you look for :
So :
- create a connector who list the process (see the cookbook)
- create a process which call the connector.
Thanks Pierre-yves Monnet!
not so easy to explain you in a forum how to do that. BonitaSoft have different training on this topic to train you.
In a short way, got to the menu “developement”, then “connector”, and “add a new definition” where you give all input of your connector.
Then, go to developement, connector, new implementation where you will set the piece of java I give you in the implementation of the connector.
Hi again Pierre,
Can you explain me how I should create the connector with the following request:
final ProcessAPI processAPI = TenantAPIAccessor.getProcessAPI(apiSession); final SearchOptionsBuilder builder = buildSearchOptions(0, 100, ProcessDeploymentInfoSearchDescriptor.DEPLOYMENT_DATE + “” DESC"", null); final SearchResult deploymentInfoResults = processAPI.searchProcessDeploymentInfos(apiSession.getUserId(), builder.done()); - See more at: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/list-deployed-processes#sthash.BIdQfJGv.dpuf
I´m facing some troubles configuring the connector. I´m not an expert on java… can you help me?
Thanks in advance.