Create Reference Data

I have created a small process and can interact with the data contained within the process. I am looking now to extend the application to contain reference data. For example to allow an administrator to create a list of warehouses (CodeWarehouse, DescriptionWarehouse) outside of a process (but within the bdm), that a user then must select from within the process via a dropdown list within the form…

I thought this could probably be done with a custom page created via the UI designer but I cannot figure out how to link this in to the bdm api.
Any links to an example would be greatly appreciated

I’m interested by the answer as I’m currently develloping similar webpages, outside the process workflow.

I guess you can create a custom API extension to POST data into the database.

But in my case, I created an external application using JHipster (Java Spring, …) to provide an API.
This API is linked directly to the Bonita database.


The main principle here is: Only the process can write data in the BDM. Using the API, you can only read data from the BDM.

To handle your use case, my suggestion would be the following: Build a generic process that is in charge of populating your BDM.

If we take your example of warehouses, you can build a custom page, that will rely on a simple process to add a new entry in the Warehouse table. If you have many objects to manage, you can make the process generic by providing as input what kind of object you’re managing to avoid the creation of one process by object type.
