How can I validate the esxistence of a process, the existence of a user, the states of a process. I have the following situation, I need to inform the judicial project number. For this, the user give the protocol number. The system need to validade a existence of it consulting the database. The return must apear in the same screen and case it’s wrong the user can instantly correct it and submit again. In this case the validation act in the database return.
Which version of Bonita are you using?
If the information you need are in Bonita database (business data), you will use Bonita API (Javadoc: There are some examples using Bonita APIs in the documentation.
If information is in an external database, you just have to use our database connectors.
If I understand well your need, you would like to have the request and result of it in the same form: user gives the protocol number and the result is given in the same form. To do that, you will need the Teamwork edition of Bonita. With it, you will have 2 features useful for your need:
- Adding connectors in forms
- Using contingencies (
Hope it helps
By putting the number of legal proceedings in a text field, I would like that when I click the search button, check it through the query to the external database if the protocol exists or not.