and Studio 7.3.3


I am using BonitaBPM Studio 7.3.3 community edition on OSX and I want to deploy a REST API extension to test my UIDesigner forms that use this API.

Previously - on windows / Studio 7.0.x - I could modify the to add a profile|User=[myApiPermissions] and this would do the trick but I cannot find where this file is on OS.X

I tryed to change those files:



Any hint where this file should be?


When you server is up and running you can pull the configuration from the DB to your local files by using the command ‘ pull’. To configure the access to the database, modify the file

Once pulled, the configuration files should be located in the folder ‘current’. There you’ll find all the configuration files related to the engine. In the folder current/tenants/1/tenant_portal/, you have the file

Once modified, you can push the configuration back by using the command push. Restart the engine to apply the new configuration.


looks like this is related to 7.3.x bonita_home removal. This parameter is stored into an h2 database. I tryed to use but I am not sure which one I am supposed to use (the one in states that platform is not created. Run ‘setup init’ first)

Does that work for the Studio?


The setup command is located in workspace/tomcat/setup

The default configuration to access the H2 Db doesn’t work tho. You have to modify the file to point to jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9091/bonita_journal.db;MVCC=TRUE;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FLASE;IGNORECASE=TRUE;

Thanks, with the modified URL it works. The first pull seems to indicate I somehow had managed to change the configuration but I still had 403 forbidden errors while now they disappeared!