Custom Query Doesn't Support "Update"

Hi, Is it true that BDM custom query only support “SELECT” queries? i have checked and read this documentation “” it is said that “To create a custom query, use the query tab of the Expression editor to write a query script. You can use one of the default queries as an example. A custom query can be on multiple attributes. Only SELECT queries are supported.” and then How can we add update function to our application? How? I have been searching for long times, but none in this documentation explained step by step on adding Update or Edit data. Thank you.

I have allready answer in your previous topic

To update a bdm object, you need to add a mapping between your form contrat and your businessobject in the ‘operation’ section in your task.


I did what you have instructed in the previous topic. But nothing happened, data remains same they won’t update. Have you run .bos file that i already gave to you? hopefully you understand what im talking about. here is the link of my .bos file. In my case i created update as a stand alone diagram, the process begin when user start to update their previously created budget.
here i explain you the process and the problem:

  1. Run the TEST Update-1.0.proc
  2. Click at any row of the table
  3. You will see the data are displayed in the text field
  4. Change any text field value as you want.
  5. once you done click on update button
  6. run the H2 console and select budget table
  7. the data still same not updated at all
    I hope that was clearly giving you enough information. I’m using version 7.9. Im looking forward your answer. Thank You