Custom Task List columns

We are using BonitaSoft version 7.8

Is it possible to display our own custom fields in the Task List (in addition to what is available by default) ?

For instance, we would like to display the name of the user who created the Task as well as the name of department to which that user belongs.


Hi, this is currently not possible in the current task list. You could however make your own task list, but that one would not be importable into the same profile menu.
The last solution that I see would be to use our example task list page that we developed at Bonita, but it was developed in 7.10 and idk how you could import it in an earlier version of the product. It can be found here:

Another questions that I'm also asking myself is if you those informations are even available in the api. It's possible that this would require some Rest API extensions.

Sorry for not being able to provide more informations.