Not really a question but I could not find a lot of information in the documentation or the existing contributed projects.
I have a form with SIREN / SIRET fields (those are identification numbers for french companies). A siren is 9 digits and a siret is 14. I could easily use standard widgets for the length but that was all.
So I created a custom widget starting with pbInput standard widget (workspace/default/web_widgets). I removed minLength, maxLength, type, min value, max value and and added an inputType property which value can be siren or siret (default: siren).
The template I used is derivated from pbInput:
<div ng-class="{
'form-horizontal': properties.labelPosition === 'left' && !properties.labelHidden,
'row': properties.labelPosition === 'top' && !properties.labelHidden || properties.labelHidden
<div class="form-group">
ng-class="{ 'control-label--required': properties.required }"
class="control-label col-xs-{{ !properties.labelHidden && properties.labelPosition === 'left' ? properties.labelWidth : 12 }}">
{{ properties.label | uiTranslate }}
<div class="col-xs-{{ 12 - (!properties.labelHidden && properties.labelPosition === 'left' ? properties.labelWidth : 0) }}">
class="form-control {{ properties.inputType }}"
placeholder="{{ properties.placeholder | uiTranslate }}"
name="{{ }}"
<div ng-messages="$form[].$dirty && $form[].$error" ng-messages-include="forms-generic-errors.html" role="alert">
<div class="text-danger" ng-show="$form[].$error.integer">Cette valeur n'est pas un nombre valide</div>
<div class="text-danger" ng-show="$form[].$error.inputLength">La longueur d'un {{ properties.inputType | uppercase }} est de {{ ctrl.inputLen }} chiffres.</div>
<div class="text-danger" ng-show="$form[].$error.sirenSiretKey">La clé de validation de ce {{ properties.inputType | uppercase }} est invalide</div>
You will note the following changes: I added some new messages to the ng-messages div and added a “sirensiret” directive. I also added a class to detect input type.
The controller is really simple:
* The controller is a JavaScript function that augments the AngularJS scope and exposes functions that can be used in the custom widget template
* Custom widget properties defined on the right can be used as variables in a controller with $
* To use AngularJS standard services, you must declare them in the main function arguments.
* You can leave the controller empty if you do not need it.
function ($scope, $log, widgetNameFactory) { = widgetNameFactory.getName($;
this.inputLen = $ == 'siren' ? 9 : 14;
$log.error ("tiersSirenSiretInput controler is here to serve!");
if (!$'value')) {
$log.error('the pbInput property named "value" need to be bound to a variable');
This is almost the standard controller. I just initialize the default length for error messages.
Then I added a custom asset checkSirenSiret.js that add some directives to bonitasoft.ui.extensions:
var app = angular.module ('bonitasoft.ui.extensions', []);
var INTEGER_REGEXP = /^\-?\d+$/;
var SIREN_REGEXP = /^\d{9}$/;
var SIRET_REGEXP = /^\d{14}$/;
app.directive('sirensiret', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
function validateSirenSiret(ngModelValue, ngViewValue) {
// Default is OK.
ctrl.$setValidity('integer', true);
ctrl.$setValidity('inputLength', true);
ctrl.$setValidity('sirenSiretKey', true);
// non empty => make additional controls!
if (!ctrl.$isEmpty(ngModelValue)) {
// Only numbers
ctrl.$setValidity('integer', INTEGER_REGEXP.test(ngModelValue));
// Check length
var isSiren = angular.element(elm).hasClass('siren');
var lengthOk = false;
if (isSiren) {
lengthOk = SIREN_REGEXP.test(ngModelValue);
} else {
lengthOk = SIRET_REGEXP.test(ngModelValue);
ctrl.$setValidity('inputLength', lengthOk);
// Check key
if (lengthOk) {
var nb = ngModelValue.split('');
var i;
var check = 0;
var x;
for (i = 0; i < nb.length; i++) {
x = nb[nb.length - i - 1] * ((i % 2) + 1);
if (x < 10) {
check += x;
} else {
check += Math.floor(x / 10) + (x % 10);
if ((check % 10) != 0) {
ctrl.$setValidity('sirenSiretKey', false);
// Return ngModelValue to display it
return ngModelValue;
I use $parsers as it is a little bit more flexible than $validators (I would have to write multiple validators, I can use only one parser). Nothing special about this code: first check if the input is a number, then the length, then the Luhn key used to validate the input.
Hope this helps some others.