Data Base of Bonita

I’m using BOS 6.5.1 and MySQL,
I want to know if there is a possibility to access to the Data Base of Bonita?
I will clarify my issue with an example :
For example: I have to implement a process with eight (8) Tasks , two (2) gateways,etc. then i want to do a SQl queries inder to know
**e.g: ** the number of the tasks which i have in the process (the result will be eight (8)) using the SUM () function of SQL.

So i’d like to know if there is a DB of Bonita where the differents elements are stocked, and if there is a possibility to access to the DB?
if yes, please describe the solution with details.

** (in case of no, any other suggestion it will help in order to know the number e.g: of tasks automatically)**.

PS: i’m really a newbie , so please describe your solution (or suggestion) with details and how i can realize it into BOS.

Thank you very much for your time and your attention.

In Studio there is no storage of the process information in any database that I understand.

The diagrams are saved as XML files in


When you export the BAR files it will build an encrypted version which may store the information in a particular way. What happens to this in the Production Portal I don’t know.

You will need to review that.


Hi ,

I also have a Bonita with MYSQL database .If you want to access to the workflow data, you can look at the following tables:

  • arch-data-instance


Hi claz08 ,
thank you for your answer, but can you explain more , where can i find these tables ?:


Assuming that you have an Mysql installation , only you have to access with PHPMYADMIN application or MysqlWorkbench and then you can see all the databases and of course all the tables that are in these databases.

the workflow will change these tables when workflow is running , and you can retrieve this information using mysql syntax


Hi claz08 ,
In fact i have an installation of WampServer in which i use phpMyAdmin and mysql to create the databases and the tables, and in the process which i implemented i used connectors to apply the SQL queries such as INSERT, SELECT… and it works and i can see the results of INSERT queries (the insertions) on the DB ,
but my problem is not how to see the tables that i have created, my issue is :
**How can i get the number of e.g: tasks, gateways, sequence flow… that i used in my process automatically ** ??
for example i used 8 tasks / 2 gateways / 13 sequence flow in the process
so I want to see that i have: 8 tasks / 2 gateways …

So i’d like to know if there is a DB of Bonita where the differents elements are stocked, and if there is a possibility to access to the DB?
if yes, please describe the solution with details.

** (in case of no, any other suggestion it will help in order to know the number e.g: of tasks automatically)**.

PS: i’m really a newbie , so please describe your solution (or suggestion) with details and how i can realize it into BOS.

Thank you very much for your time and your attention.

Hi ,
well , i will go step by step , so for the first question :

i’d like to know if there is a DB of Bonita where the differents elements are stocked, and if there is a possibility to access to the DB?

Assuming that you have changed the database from H2 to Mysql , and all it works fine , then you can see the bonita database in phmyadmin or in mysqlworkbench application , if you can not see ,

then it has not done fine the change from h2 to mysql ,and you must review the bonita documentation here , in order to know if you have forgotten some step.:

You must remember , that one of steps in order to change the bonita database is that you have to create an user and password and then you have to assign privileges.

The tables that contains all information about the process, it is in the previous review

i hope you help.

Hi claz08,
thank you for your help,
but i didn’t change the database from H2 to Mysql, since i installed BOS 6.5.1, i’ve set or configured nothing,
i’ve only implemented the process, i created forms and i used connectors in order to apply SQL queries such as INSERT so i selected (MySQL 5.5 JDBC 4 database query) as the type of connector, and like i mentioned it works fine :the insertions are stocked in the DB that i’ve created using phpMyAdmin and also i can see the list of done tasks in the Bonita BPM Portal (Walter Bates :as a default user).

The question: i’d like to know if there is a DB of Bonita where the differents elements are stocked, and if there is a possibility to access to the DB?
what i ment by the differents elements are the; tasks, gateways, sequence flow…
so when i noticed that my question may be not clear , i decided to use an example and to ask my question differently that’s why i wrote my second comment , but all my comments turn around the same question, the same issue :
How can i get the number of e.g: tasks, gateways, sequence flow… that i used in my process automatically ??
for example i used 8 tasks / 2 gateways / 13 sequence flow in the process
so I want to see that i have: 8 tasks / 2 gateways …

so i must change the database from h2 to mysql as a solution for my question? or there is another solution ??

Thank you very much.

I’m going to ask:

Why do you need this information? You just say you want to do it. That’s not a good reason.

Is it relevant to the task at hand? Is it needed in production etc. Do the users see the information?

The other thing is you’re approaching it all the wrong way. Reading the database is not the right thing to do. The first thing you should consider that will happen is Bonitasoft will change the tables and the table layouts. And you will have to rework everything.

I would use the appropriate APIs such as processDefinition etc. to get the information you need.

You should also be aware that in production only certain information from a design is taken across. BAR from 5 is not the same as BAR from 6 and again this is not the same as BAR from 7…


Hi Sean McP,

No i didn’t say 'i just want to do it ', in fact there is a big reason, i’m working on a project of Master and to approve my approach , i need such information that’s why i just ask a simple question :
i’d like to know if there is a DB of Bonita where the differents elements are stocked, and if there is a possibility to access to the DB? in other terms
How can i get the number of e.g: tasks, gateways, sequence flow… that i used in my process automatically ??
for example i used 8 tasks / 2 gateways / 13 sequence flow in the process
so I want to see that i have: 8 tasks / 2 gateways …

In fact, I’ve just supposed that is a DB of Bonita where the differents elements are stocked, so if there isn’t a such DB, how can i then get such information e.g the number of tasks automatically ,

so i just want to know if there is a possibility to do that , if not , that’s OK and i will search for an other solution to approve my approach.
