daysAvailable in leave request

Hello, I am a beginner Bonita BPM 7, I did a leave request process, I made two model of business data DemandesConges (StartDate, EndDate, dateRetours, NombreJours, TypeConge, balance, MotifConge) and DossierAdministratif (firstName, lastName, Email…), now I want to know how I can calculate balance of leave in such a way that whenever an employee is applying for leave, the balance of leave subtracts the number of days.
I made a script for the variable of pool but plenty of error

import import import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.* import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.IdentityAPI import org.bonitasoft.engine.bdm.BusinessObjectDAOFactory import import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.User import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.UserCriterion import org.bonitasoft.engine.session.APISession def demandesCongesVar = new demandesCongesVar.dateDebut = demandeInput.dateDebut demandesCongesVar.nombreJours = demandeInput.nombreJours demandesCongesVar.typeConge = demandeInput.typeConge demandesCongesVar.motifConge = demandeInput.motifConge demandesCongesVar.dateFin = demandeInput.dateFin demandesCongesVar.dateRetours = demandeInput.dateRetours if(demandesCongesVar.getTypeConge()=="payé") { demandesCongesVar.solde = 22} else if(demandesCongesVar.getTypeConge()=="maternité"){ demandesCongesVar.solde = 60 } else if(demandesCongesVar.getTypeConge()=="impayé"){ demandesCongesVar.solde = 20 }else if(demandesCongesVar.getTypeConge()=="paternité"){ demandesCongesVar.solde = 3 } else if(demandesCongesVar.getTypeConge()=="maladie"){ demandesCongesVar.solde = 25 } else{ demandesCongesVar.solde = 15 } double solde = demandesCongesVar.getSolde() solde = solde - demandesCongesVar.getNombreJours() demandesCongesVar.setSolde(solde) demandesCongesVar.getPersistenceId() def apiSession = PageContext.getApiSession(); BusinessDataAPI businessDataAPI = BusinessDataAPI.getBusinessDataAPI(apiSession); // Use BusinessDataAPI to retrieve the process instance business variable // We need to cast it to the appropriate class (SimpleBusinessDataReference or MultipleBusinessDataReference) SimpleBusinessDataReference businessDataReference = (SimpleBusinessDataReference)businessDataAPI.getProcessBusinessDataReference("vacationAvailable", 2); // Get storage id (i.e. persistence id) of the business variable Long storageId = businessDataReference.getStorageId(); // Create DAO factory for the business data BusinessObjectDAOFactory daoFactory = new BusinessObjectDAOFactory(); DemandesCongesDAO demandesCongesDAO = daoFactory.createDAO(apiSession, DemandesCongesDAO.class); // Use DAO to find the business variable using the storage id (i.e. persistence id) DemandesConges demandesConges = demandesCongesDAO.findByPersistenceId(storageId);

//Use the factory to obtain a DAO object

 IdentityAPI identityAPI = apiAccessor.identityAPI
 List<User> users

// For each user
for(DemandesConges demande: demandesConges){
double soldeEncours=demandesConges.getSolde()
return soldeEncours

def processInstance = apiAccessor.processAPI.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId)
// Ajouter l’identifiant du demandeur à la nouvelle demande
demandesCongesVar.idDemandeur = processInstance.startedBy
return demandesCongesVar

Please don’t ask the same question again and again. Everyone will start to ignore you as being a persistent with very little to help them guide you.

as it is I already answered this question here:


PS: While you may not like the answer, it gives the correct answer, please mark this question as resolved.

thank you very much for your reply , but just leaveCurrentBalance not updated when approved by management.
can you see the process .bos please
thanks in advance