Debugging unresponsive submit button

I am new user of the community edition trying to implement a proof of concept. I have run into a couple of instances where the submit button is non-responsive. I fixed one by fiddling with some of the settings, but the other one I have not been able to fix. What process should I be using to debug this situation.

I noticed in the documentation that logging is available in the subscription editions, would there be anything in the log file that would help me debug this situation.

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If you are using Bonita 7 and the UI Designer to build your form, a good place to start is the developer tools of your web browser (press F12 in chrome and firefox). You can open the network tab to track the network activity and see if a request goes wrong or open the javascript console to see if any javascript error occured.

If an error occurred on the server side (while processing the request), you should find some details in the log files. You can open them from the studio (Help → BonitaBPM Engine log) or in BONITA_HOME/workspace/tomcat/logs.

Thank you this was very helpful.