Default Overview Page - How to format values of date variables?

I’ve a process that uses date variables that are filled by the user. They work ok throught the whole process.
The problem is the format that those variables show with in the Default Overview Page.
In this screenshot i’ve outlined the error. The date variable “fechaestimada” should appear as “2016-03-03 15:38:15” but instead it shows with Unix format.

Is there a way to change this??

Duplicating the question will not get it answered any quicker…


Hi Marcos,

This looks like a but to me.
Could you please open a ticket here:

The workaround would be to create your own overview page with the UI Designer.


hey i am not sure if you have figured this out, but if you havent I have ran into the same problem and have a solution for you. On your form when you are setting the value of the attribute put this at the end. formInput.DOInput.Attribute | date. the pipe date is what you are looking for" | date". Check out these other options for dates

Hope this helps!