Define defaults fields for all rows in an Array in UI Designer

I was have problems to keep the default values ​​set on all rows of an Array in the Desginer UI.
In short, the first line of my Array in the Designer User Interface came with the defaults values ​​normally set, but clicking the button to add a new line in the Array did not fill the fields with the defaults values.
But with the help of Antoine Mottier along with an example that he created to help me, I was able to resolve this impasse easily. Here is the link to download the file * .bos example, any questions that you still have, I can help.

Note: You must have version 7.7.4 of BonitaSoft installed for import the file.

link: Link for download

To add a little bit of extra information, if you use collections in the UI designer, the button you configure to add a new item to the collection can defined the initial values of the new object (using JSON) added to the collection (an array in JSON).