Hi… i’m defining JVM system properties to Bonita 7.2.1 and installation files dont have the folder /opt/bonita/btm to edit correctly the property BTM_OPTS on the setenv.sh. Can anybody tell me what to do cause I’m a novice and dont know consecuencies of wrong edition.
is the first time I use this platform to ask questions and dont know whether or when, the cuestion had answer… my mail is sanevil@gmail.com
thanks a lot
Hi Mr Sean… thanks for your answering and advise.
I’ve watched all of the bitronix-config.properties files but Im not sure where is ${CATALINA_BASE}, sorry.
All of the bitronix-config.properties files have the same lines:
# bitronix.tm.timer.defaultTransactionTimeout=60
but I still dont know how to fill the parmameter for BTM_OPTS="-Dbtm.root=? because I dont know if this is a folder path, a library or what kind of file…
I advise against publishing your email address for security reasons. Only request answers through this forum…
I will not, for example, email you because of the potential consequences for me…
Have you looked at ${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/bitronix-config.properties ?
Hi Mr Sean… thanks for your answering and advise.
I’ve watched all of the bitronix-config.properties files but Im not sure where is ${CATALINA_BASE}, sorry.
All of the bitronix-config.properties files have the same lines:
bitronix.tm.serverId=bonita-tomcat-btm-node0 bitronix.tm.journal.disk.logPart1Filename=${btm.root}/work/btm1.tlog bitronix.tm.journal.disk.logPart2Filename=${btm.root}/work/btm2.tlog bitronix.tm.resource.configuration=${btm.root}/conf/bitronix-resources.properties bitronix.tm.2pc.warnAboutZeroResourceTransactions=false # bitronix.tm.timer.defaultTransactionTimeout=60
but I still dont know how to fill the parmameter for BTM_OPTS="-Dbtm.root=? because I dont know if this is a folder path, a library or what kind of file…
think I shouldn’t answer but add a comment… sorry!
Catalina_Base in this case is the same as Catalina_Home, I could just stop there
But I won’t…Catalina_Home is used for all instances of Tomcat running on a server, whereas Catalina_Base can be used for multiple instances of Tomcat running on the same server.
In this case then Catalina_Base is /tomcat so the directory/file you are looking for is at:
hope this helps,
then should I fill out the Bitronix lines in setenv.sh with
BTM_OPTS="-Dbtm.root=/opt/BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.1/workspace/tomcat/conf -Dbitronix.tm.configuration=/opt/BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.1/workspace/tomcat/conf/bitronix-config.properties"
or with
BTM_OPTS="-Dbtm.root=/opt/BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.1/workspace/tomcat/work -Dbitronix.tm.configuration=/opt/BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.1/workspace/tomcat/conf/bitronix-config.properties"
besides… further in the bonita_documentation_-ubuntu_openjdk_tomcat_postgresql-_2016-01-21.pdf say to create folders /opt/bonita/btm/conf and /opt/bonita/btm/work in order to store Bitronix files, does it have efect in someway?