Delete entry from Datatable


I have built a simple bonita live application composed by a some pages. One of these pages is a dashboard that shows a list of BDM elements in a datatable. As far I handle the creation of new entries through a new process, but I would like to handle the DELETE operation setting a "isDeleted" flag of a specific bdm entry to true and prevent to show it in the datatable. 

I'm missing how to accomplish the delete operation, since I don't know how to start a process instantion passing data (the bdm object) or if there are other ways to do that. I also tried with a simple API call to a custom query, but unfortunatelly update queries are  not supported. 

So my question is: How can I delete a bdm entry shown in a datatable in an application page using a GUI element such as button,link ,... ? 

Here there is my .bos file in case someone would like to test and get a look on what I've done so far. 

workflow bos file

Thank you in advance 


Can anyone help me? any advice will be appreciated