Difference between Role And Group in Portal

Dear All
I have read the documentation of Bonita BPM. However, I can’t get the meaning of actor, role, and group in portal or business process. How is their mapping to business process?
Please describe them clearly.

Best Wishes.

A role is a position in the company that someone does - like:

  • CEO
  • CIO
  • CFO
    • Purchasing Officer
    • Accountant
  • Janitor
  • Tea boy (yes they still exist)

Whereas a Group is something that a role will belong to - like:

-----* Finance
----------* Accounts Payable
----------* Management Accounts
-----* Internal Audit
-----* Risk
----------* Corporate Risk
----------* Financial Risk
----------* IT Risk
-----* IT
---------------* Business Analysis & Programming
---------------* Systems
---------------* Database Admin
---------------* OS Admin
---------------* Network Admin

Bonitasoft Actors are defined as:

There are two stages to specify who performs a step in a process:

  • When the process is designed, the business analyst designates an actor for the step. An actor is a placeholder that defines the theoretical user (role) who will perform the step.
  • Before a process is deployed, the actors are mapped to the real users (roles) in an organization.

I added the (role) to give better meaning…


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