I´m usign BOS studio 5.10. I´m attempting to show in the engine.log the errors of the code by groovy script and by java conector, for monitoring the results or the errors of the code, or show values of variables, etc.
I execute this but when i going to see the log files i don´t see nothing…
import java.util.logging.Logger;
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(“Was steht in der Checkbox”)
logger.info (“field period:”);
logger.info (field_period);
and .log
Initializing Deployment configuration with:
java.naming.factory.initial=java.naming.provider.url=org.ow2.bonita.rest-server-address=org.ow2.bonita.api-type=Standard Fri May 09 10:02:05 COT 2014 : log file :C:\BOS-5.10.2\studio\workspace.metadata\engine.log
and engine.log
may 09, 2014 10:12:29 AM org.bonitasoft.forms.server.api.impl.FormDefinitionAPIImpl getFormPageLayout
WARNING: Using the default page template.
My goal is work over a file .xls that was charged in a Attachment variable.
I need to know what is the procedure for show information in the logs.
Thank you. Regards