display json in select box

I am having trouble displaying json objects in select box widget in ui designer. Earlier I was able to do this in Bonita 7, but now I can only list items in a String separated with commas. Can you tell me why is that?
Magdalina Civovic

The type of your variable is JSON ?
It seems that you are using a String variable instead of JSON variable.


I have a similar situation, following the “Getting started” document for BOnita 7.2, everytime a JSON variable is used I get the JSON string itself, not the interpretation of the JSON.
{“label”: “Approve request”, “value”: “approved”},
{“label”: “Refuse request”, “value”: “refused”}
Json var in preview
I understand the preview should show the “label” value and return the ‘value’, this is not the case.
My question is: what I am doing wrong?
I am using Bonita BPM community 7.2 in Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits, using java version “1.8.0_74”

The type of your variable is JSON ?
It seems that you are using a String variable instead of JSON variable.
